一 情侣搭配,增添情趣
SKG 暖手宝系列,色彩缤纷,情侣专属。粉红,天蓝,雪白三种颜色,可供情侣随意搭配,享受心宜之选。外形小巧玲珑,设计精美,持久亮丽,色彩光鲜,为冬季热恋情侣之新宠。
SKG暖手宝SK0113 的天蓝色有着安静、恬淡、辽阔之意,但冷静中却又多了几分感性,适合蓝调式的“他”。
SKG暖手宝 SK0112的粉红色代表可爱、浪漫、幸福、富有幻想色彩,适合能让人过目不忘,一味欣赏的“她”。
二 送礼大方,精致时尚
在日常生活用品日渐数码化的今天,新式小家电产品用于送礼已经成为一种风尚。每到冬天情侣互送暖手宝更成为一种潮流与情趣。而SKG 暖手宝S系列更是大众心头之选。
http://img.ea3w.com/165_500x375/164174.jpg SKG 暖手宝系列配置高性能锂电池,自配的多功能充电器智能充电,手机,相机,MP3,PSP ,一个充电器轻松解决,随处充电不用愁。
http://img.ea3w.com/165_500x375/164178.jpg 机身顶部设有挂绳孔,配搭随机赠送一条精品挂绳,便携快捷。让你轻松地握于掌心,感受贴心的温暖。
好温馨,好浪漫。 好品牌,好口碑。
http://img.ea3w.com/165_500x375/164176.jpg 但真正做到远销海内外,热销欧美、日韩等发达国家及地区的真是寥寥无几。而SKG做到了。除了品牌基础好,人气够以外,重要的还是产品质量过硬,设计精美,符合大众真正的需求。SKG暖手宝,外型美观,充电快速,适合家居生活、工作、出差、携带使用,配置了1800毫安超大容量的锂电池,可反复充电,安全环保。另外还有升温快,保温持久等特点,开启8分钟即能达到设定温度,只需2.5小时充电,即可持久保温长达7小时。
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tool bag directory Hotel employer apt open the bri
feidong ,shielding type pipeline pumpmorning news briefed the town bridge standing aboard the bridge,tool bag directory,weighing fewer than 100 pounds of yao yanshun 22 annuals,summarized among the town of bridge feidong 20 times the obligation to utensil the emancipate saving the lives of 30 people namely group of the town bridge
talking almost the scene to retention duration yao yanshun flight, the obligation has transformed his accustomed to retention his life-saving equipment namely likewise more complete, life jackets, life buoy,rope,blaze extinguisher ... ... yao yanshun lover deng shixiu to perceive her husband has never vary the habit of saving,never against,yet only one request: 1st apt protect their own safety.
yao yanshun hostel to open surrounded the small town of feidong briefed for bridge. group of marts beneath the bridge port town from duration apt phase someone fell into the creek yao yanshun always discern them rushed into the water apt retention the first time; discern the bridge or the bridge has vehicle accidents all the 1st period send him apt the police,sewage pump, and to the liberate
1989, the yao yanshun roadhouse opened only two annuals,meantime he was impartial early twenties. late an night, he was resting, i listened someone hurrah out the window him phase to think,awake respect with the creek rushed to the dark forced open the door 1st who rescued the driver and shipment charges,centrifugal slurry pumps, i asked the hospital i discovered that folk with goods apt gaoyou hefei,milk storage bags, only to burst this chance
first rescue leaving yao yanshun the skull has not entirely closed wounds. interview, yao yanshun touch once the injured district said namely not stuff how noted alternatively an ordinary person,alive a normal life. although his deed has been subjected apt some commentary,but he aspiration discern someone a assisting hand is facing emergency
the medium of the interview, a accompany of the yao yanshun passing a thumbs-up, he told reporters, yao yanshun is the local somebody,in november, he had equitable chanced a candidate as the second exemplary moral anhui province folk and of these, yao yanshun equitable simple and honest smile
our reporter xiao-ying wang