仙子之梦 发表于 2020-6-30 00:35:44


  在中国  人们说着各种各样的奇特方言  但是你有没有想过  不同地区的英国人说的英语  也是不一样的~  今天我们就来看看  英国人讲的英语都一样吗?  下面北京新东方英语学习部老师将与大家分享“五分钟新概念|方言的力量”,更多知识点也可关注下北京新东方的新概念课程。  I arrived in London at last. The railwaystation was big, black and dark. I did not know the wayto my hotel, so I asked a porter.I not only spoke English very carefully, but veryclearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times andat last he understood. He answered me, but he spokeneither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said.Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.My teacher never spoke English like that! The porterand I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understoodit. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder. InEngland, each person speaks a different language. TheEnglish understand each other, but I don't understandthem! Do they speak English?  ONE 介词活用  文中例句  I arrived in London at last.  我终于到了伦敦火车站。  语法解析  arrive in:后加国家、城市。  例:arrive in England/London.  arrive at:指到达小地方。  例:arrive at the station/the hotel/work  更多例句  He took a taxi in order that he might arrivein time.  为了能及时赶到,他乘了出租车。  When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or taxi to any place in New York.  当你来到纽约,你可以乘公共汽车或坐出租车到达任何地方。  TWO 递进表达  文中例句  I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.  我的英语讲得不但非常认真,而且咬字也非常清楚。  语法辨析  1. not only ... but .... as well 不仅...而且....;表示递进关系。  = not only .... but also ...  = not only .... but ...  2. Not only …but also…可以连接句子的各种成分,  Not only John but also Mary likes English. 连接两个名词,充当并列主语。  This person changed not only my life but alsomy perspective of humanity. 连接名词短语。充当changed 的宾语。(这个人不但改变了我的生活,而且改变了我对人性的看法。)  3. 请注意:not only和but also 后面接的结构要对称,要保持一致,要接名词就都是名词,要接形容词就都是形容词。此外还可以是动词,副词,介词等短语或者句子。  4. Not only … butalso …句型连接句子,前半部分句子要倒装。  更多例句  1. Petroleum is used not only to make fuelsbut also in plastics. (错误,不定式短语to make fuels和介词短语in plastic无法构成对称)  Petroleum is used not only to make fuels butalso to make plastics. (正确)  Petroleum is used not only in fuels but alsoin plastics. (正确)  石油不仅用来炼油,还用来造塑料。  2. He was capable. 他很有才干。  He could be trusted.他是一位值得信任的人。  Not only was he capable but he could also betrusted.  他不仅很有才干,还很值得信任。  THREE 否定并列  文中例句  He answered me, buthe spoke neither slowly nor clearly.  他回答了,但他讲得既不慢也不清楚。  语法解析  neither...nor... 既不...也不...;表示并列。  更多例句  She seemed neither surprised nor worried.  她似乎既不惊讶也不担心。  FOUR 词组&俗语  文中例句  The porter and I looked at each other andsmiled.  我和搬运工相视一笑。  The English understand each other  英国人之间相互听得懂  语法解析  each other 互相;一般放在动词或者介词后面,充当宾语。  更多例句  相亲相爱:They love each other.  互相支持:Try to support each other.  同舟共济:We are in the same boat. We must helpeach other  他们两个互相看不顺眼:They detest each other on sight.(detest ;  憎恶)
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查看完整版本: 英国人讲的英语都一样吗?