仙子之梦 发表于 2020-7-4 14:58:16


  大家都知道  不问年龄是对女士最起码的尊重  试问有谁不想永葆青春呢  今天就让我们来看看文中做演员的Jennifer  有什么保持年轻的秘诀呢  先祝大家永远18岁  下面北京新东方英语学习部老师将与大家分享“五分钟新概念|或许你想长生不老吗”,更多知识点也可关注下北京新东方的新概念课程~  课文原文  My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must beat least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, sheoften appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part ina new play soon. This time, she will be a girl ofseventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright reddress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright,orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!'  ONEmust表推测  表达十分肯定的语气  文中例句  (1)She must be atleast thirty-five years old.  她至少也有35岁了。  (2)Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!  亲爱的,长成大人真可怕啊!  语法解析  (1)must 后面要求加动词原形,所以”35 years old”不能直接跟在must后面,而要添加 be 动词,使语法结构完整。  (2)姑妈用must 表示推测,言外之意是她还没有长成大人,还是个小姑娘,所以她对长大之后的事情采取了猜测的语气。  文中更多语法点  (1)at least , 表示“至少”:  He borrowed at least five books from thelibrary.  他从图书馆至少借了5本书。  还可表示:“起码”:  She may be slow, butat least she is reliable.  她虽然迟钝,但起码还很可靠。  (2)“作为一个成年人”即“to be agrown up” 是一件很可怕的事情,句子原本为:To be a grown up must beterrible, 但为了避免句子头重脚轻,我们往往会用形式主语it 代替主语,将真正的主语放在后面。再入:  It is a pleasant thing to have many friends.  有许多朋友是件令人愉悦的事。  TWOmust&have to  文中例句对比  In the play, she mustappear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.  演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜。  Jennifer will have to take part in a new playsoon.  詹妮弗很快又要参加一个新剧的演出  语法辨析  must 的同义词组是have to  但 have to 可以有更多时态变化:  必须(一般现在时): have to  必须(一般将来时): will have to ...  必须(一般过去时): had to ...  更多解释  “have to侧重客观上的必须,译为“不得不”  must侧重于个人意志和主观上的必须。  must没有时态的变化,而have?to有时态的变化。  在否定结构中, don't have to 表示“不必”,mustn't 表示“禁止”。”  THREEin spite of this…  文中例句  In spite of this, sheoften appears on the stage as a young girl.  尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。  语法解析  (1) this 代指上句话,即“她至少也有35岁”这个事实。  (2) in spite of为固定短语,意为“不管”、“尽管”,后面可以跟名词。  更多例句  in spite of the rain,they went on their journey.  尽管下雨,他们还是继续旅行。  Inspire of his age,he still leads an active life.  尽管年事已高,他以后很忙碌。  He fell asleep in spite of himself.  他不由自主地睡着了。  FOUR 长难句解析  文中例句  If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!'  一旦有人问起她有多大年纪,她总是回答:“亲爱的,长成大人真可怕啊!”  语法解析  (1)ever 和 可以和 if 连用,表示在任何时候,”at any time”。例如:  If you are ever in Miami, come and see us. 你要是时么时候到了迈阿密,就来看看我们吧。  (2)anyone asks, anyone 不定代词作主语,后面动词要用单数第三人称形式。  (3)if anyone everasks her how old she is, ...  此处划线部分为嵌在if 从句中的宾语从句,疑问句放在宾语从句中时要恢复正常句子顺序。所以是how old she is, 而非 how old is she.
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查看完整版本: 五分钟新概念|有什么保持年轻的秘诀呢?