仙子之梦 发表于 2020-7-19 15:28:19

五分钟新概念|A glass envelope

  Lesson 22 A glass envelope  小时侯都玩过电子的漂流瓶  那你有没有见过真正的玻璃信封呢  让我们跟着北京新东方新概念老师一起  走进Jane的童年回忆~  ONE 关于介词of  文中例句  My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age inHolland. 我的女儿简从未想过会收到荷兰一位同龄姑娘的来信。  语法解析  从未想过....(never) dream of + n./v.ing  of 作为介词,后可加名词或者动名词(即动词+ing)  更多例句  He never dreamed of such wealth.  他从未想过会有如此财富。  I was younger and in excellent health andnever dreamed of an accident.  当时我很年轻,身体非常健康,从没想过会发生什么意外。  of的其他用法  语法解析  of sb’s age 和...同龄的  更多例句  a girl of her own age  和她同龄的女孩  She needs more friends of her own age.  她需要更多同龄的朋友。  TWOwith有妙用  文中例句  Last year, we weretravelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name andaddress on it into a bottle.  去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子。  语法解析  写有姓名和住址的纸条/标签  a paper/label with her name and address on it  所有“写有”、“装着”、还是 “留着”, “提着”, 其本质都是 “有、带着(having/carrying)”,都可以用with 表示。  更多例句  a paper/label with her name and address on it  一个装着生日礼物的盒子  a box with birthday gifts in it  她把书包丢了,里面装着一个笔记本电脑和两本书。  She lost her bag with a laptop and two booksin it.  一位留着红发的姑娘  a girl with red hair  提着衣箱的男子  a man with a suitcase  THREE 词/词组互替  文中例句  She never thought of it again…  此后她就再没去想那只瓶子…  词组解析  think of “想起,记起”, 可作remember 的同义词组  更多例句  I can’t think of hername at the moment.  我现在一时想不起来他的名字。  think of的其他用法  语法解析  think of 有 “create anidea” 即 “想出”之意。  更多例句  Have you thought of a name for the bay?  你们给孩子起好名字了吗?  FOUR 一词多用  文中例句  Both girls write to each other regularly now.  现在这两位姑娘定期通信了。  词汇解析  regularly [?reɡj?l?rli]  adv.经常地;有规律地;定期的;均匀地  定期通信:write to each other regularly  定期会面:meet regularly  定期运动:work out regularly  更多例句  I work out regularly to keep fit.  我定期运动以保持健康。  Local residents say that police regularlyswept the area, roughly once a week, checking residents' IDs and sometimes looking inside homes.  当地居民称,警察经常清扫这个地区,大体上一周一次,检查居民的身份证,有时进屋检查。  FIVE 近义词辨析  文中例句  Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster.  这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定是快得多了。  词组解析  cost VS spend 花钱  cost,(cost-cost-cost) 主语为物  spend,(spend-spent-spent) 主语为人  更多例句  I didn’t buy itbecause it cost too much.  我没买因为那东西太贵了。  Ticks to her concert cost 1000 Yuan each.  她演唱会的门票每张一千元。  I’ve spent all mymoney.  我已经把钱都花光了。  She spent 1000 Yuan on the shoes.  她花了1000元买那双鞋。  原文句型仿写  This one will cost a little more, but it will certainly last longer.  这件儿是稍微贵一点,但肯定比那件耐穿。
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