仙子之梦 发表于 2020-7-27 00:50:42

五分钟新概念| One man in a boat

  Lesson 20 One man in a boat  发呆  人生最快乐的时光没有之一  如果你也像小畅一样  喜欢在疲惫的时候静坐思考一下人生  就让我们跟随北京新东方新概念老师一起来看看  这篇文章的主人公  是如何将发呆合理化的吧~  Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fishfor hours without catching anything, but this does notworry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I nevercatch anything - not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on theriver, I always go home with an empty bag. 'You mustgive up fishing!' my friends say. 'It's a waste oftime. 'But they don't realize one important thing. I'mnot really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat anddoing nothing at all!  ONE 缺乏;没有  文中例句  I often fish for hours without catchinganything.  我经常一钓数小时却一无所获。  词汇&语法解析  without “缺乏”、“没有”:  不辞而别: leave without saying goodbye  一无所知:without knowing anything (about …)  有B 必先有A:You can’t do B without doing A  You can't make an omelette without breakingeggs.  你不可能不打破鸡蛋就做成煎蛋卷。  TWO spend-spent-spent  文中例句  After having spent whole mornings on theriver…  我总是在河上呆上整整一上午  词汇解析  spend-spent-spent 花费  1. spend sth on sth.  She spent £100 on anew dress.  她花100英镑买了一条新连衣裙。  How long did you spend on your homework?  你做家庭作业用了多长时间?  2. spend sth. in doing sth.  Most of her life was spent in caring forothers.  她大半辈子的时间都用来照顾别人了。  THREE 介词with  文中例句  …I always go home with an empty bag.  ……然后空着袋子回家。  词汇解析  with表示“有”、 “随身带着……”等:  Who's the man with the beard?  那个留胡子的男人是谁?  Who's the man with the umbrella?  那个带伞的男人是谁?  Who's the woman with the little boy?  带着那个小男孩的女人是谁?  FOUR 关于 动名词  文中例句  I am only interested in sitting in a boat anddoing nothing at all!  我感兴趣的仅仅独坐孤舟,无所事事!  语法解析  -ing 形式作名词时称为动名词, 其性质和名词一样  肯定:doing  否定:not doing  (He apologized for not writing to you. 他为没给你写信而表示道歉。)  1)它可以作主语:  Dancing is fun. I love it.  跳舞有意思,我喜欢跳舞。  Walking quickly is difficult.  走快是很难的。  Washing the car makes him dirty.  擦洗汽车把他身上弄脏了。  2)也可以作宾语 (位于动词或者介词后)  Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.  You must give up fishing!  I'm not really interested in fishing.  I am only interested in sitting in a boat anddoing nothing at all. (以上为介词后的动名词)  常见的带动名词的介词有 before,after, instead of, without,:  before doing sth.  after doing sth.  instead of doing sth.  without doing sth.  我喜欢听音乐。  I like listening to music.  我无法想象生活在没有音乐的世界。  I can’t imagineliving in a world without music.(以上为动词后的动名词)  3)还可作表语,通常是在be动词后  Seeing is believing.眼见为实  My hobby is playing tennis.我的爱好是打网球。  4)也可以是定语,通常表示用途  游泳池:swimming pool (相当于说:The pool is used for swimming)  等候室:waiting room  阅览室:reading room  购物车:shopping cart
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