仙子之梦 发表于 2020-8-2 16:50:08


  今天,给大家整理了常用旅游英语的句子,相信你以后会用得到,想了解更多常用口语知识,也可关注下北京新东方的倍学口语课程~  Where canI catch a taxi?哪里我可以叫到出租车?  The taxizone is right on the left corner over there.出租车站台就在左边转角处。  Are youfree?您有空吗?  Sure.Where are you going?当然。您要去哪里?  Drive meback to Santa Clara.载我到圣塔克莱拉。  SantaClara? OK. That's about 20 miles away.圣塔克莱拉?好的,大约是20英里远。  How muchwill it cost?需要多少钱?  That'll bethirty-six dollars, sir.先生,车费是36元。  Here youare. You can keep the change.给你。零钱不用找了。  You'revery generous.你真慷慨。  That'salright. You're a lot of help.没关系。你帮了很大的忙。  Take me tothe railway station.载我到火车站。  Take meback.载我回去。  What isthe charge for that?那要多少费用?  How muchextra do I have to pay for that?我还要另外付多少?  Keep thechange for yourself.找回的钱你留着。  The changeis yours.找回的钱给你。  Don't giveme the change anymore.不必给我找钱了。  Is thisthe bus that goes by the mall?这班公共汽车经过商业街吗?  No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.不,不经过。但是你可以搭这班车转乘24路。  Good. Howmuch is the fare?好。车费多少?  It'sseventy-five cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve.大人75美分,12岁以下的小孩30分。  Will itcost for the transfer?转车要钱吗?  Yes. Whenyou get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driverthis ticket stub.要。当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。  You willonly have to pay another ten cents and a nickel for your child.你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。  Thatsounds pretty good.听起来挺好的嘛!  You cantake a seat now.现在你找个座位坐下吧。  Whenyou're ready to get off, remember to press the buttonnear your seat.当你要下车时,记得按你座位旁的按钮。  Is thisbus going to Dallas?这车开往达拉斯吗?  Get me offat the Fifth Avenue.请在第五大道让我下车。  Where canI put the coin?硬币要放在哪儿?  How longdoes it take?要花多久时间?  Can youtell me how to get to the railroad station?你能告诉我怎样去火车站吗?  May I helpyou, sir?需要我帮忙吗,先生?
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