仙子之梦 发表于 2020-10-30 17:44:35


  为了帮助大家高效备考GRE,下面为大家带来GRE填空典型的例题整理,希望对大家GRE备考有所帮助。  Professional photographers generally regardinadvertent surrealism in a photograph as a curse rather than a blessing; magazine photographers, in particular, consider themselves ------ to the extent that they can --------itspresence in their photographs.  skillful.. enhance  inadequate.. eliminate  original.. demonstrate  fortunate.. minimize  conventional.. highlight  答案:(D)  inadvertent: a.1.漫不经心的 2.非故意的,因疏忽而造成的  surrealism: n.超现实主义  curse: n.1.诅咒 2.祸害,祸因  blessing n.1.神赐,神恩 2.幸事,恩惠  to the extent that:conj.只要(即等于as long as,表示条件)  inadequate: a.1.不适当的,不够格的,不充分的 2.有弱点(缺陷)的  minimize: v.1.使减少(或缩小)到最低限度 2.极度轻视(或贬低),小看  highlight: v.1.以强光照射,照亮 2.使显著,使空出,强调  一般而言,专业摄影家将摄影作品中由疏忽而致的超现实主义视作一种灾祸而非幸事;尤其是杂志摄影家,只要能在摄影作品中将它的存在减少到最低程度,他们便视自己为相当幸运的了。  Marison was a scientist of unusual ----- andimagination who had startling success in -------- new and fundamentalprinciples well in advance of their general rec**nition.  restiveness.. acknowledging  precision.. coordinating  aggression.. resisting  candor.. dispelling  insight.. discerning  答案:(E)  well in advance of:prep.远在…之前  restiveness: n.1.焦躁不安 2.倔强,不受管束  acknowledge: v.1.承认 2.告知,确认 3.就…表示谢忱,报偿4.对…作出反应,理  会  coordinate: v.协调,调节,整理  aggression: n.侵犯(行为),侵略(行为),挑衅  candor: n.1.直言,坦率,诚恳 2.公平,公正  dispell: v.1.驱散 2.消除(疑虑)等  discern: v.1.看出,觉察出 2.认识,了解  作为一位科学家,马里逊具有非凡的洞悉力和想象力,远在某些全新的基本原理被人们普遍认识之前,他早就能够成功地令人吃惊地将其察觉发现。  Unenlightened authoritarian manage rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members ofdemocratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerancefor dissent often prevents——  demur  schism  cooperation  compliance  shortsightedness  答案:(B)  unenlightened: a.未受启迪的,愚昧无知的,不开明的  authoritarian: a.权力主义的,独裁主义的,专制的  modicum: n.少许,一点  dissent: n.意见的不一致,意见的分歧,异议,不同意见  demur: 1.反对,异议 2.顾虑,迟疑,不愿,犹豫  schism: n.1.分裂 2.宗派,派系,派别 3.教会分裂,教会宗派 4.分歧,不和  compliance: n.遵从,依从,顺从  shortsightedness:n.1.近视 2.目光短浅,缺乏预见,缺乏想象力  那些缺乏开明思想且又专制擅权的经理们很少能认识到某一至关重要的原因,以解释在那些民主管理的工作群体的成员之间,为什么严重矛盾冲害的程度会如此之低:对不同意见只要有一丁点的宽容,往往能避免分歧不和。  以上就是关于“GRE填空典型的例题整理”的内容。更多精彩内容,请关注北京新东方的GRE系列课程。从强化到精讲精练再到冲分班,满足备考前的不同需求~
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