仙子之梦 发表于 2020-11-8 00:04:04


 下面与大家分享中考英语词汇备考容易混淆词汇辨析  atschool/in school/in a(the) school  Ⅰ. atschool表示“在学校、在上学”相对于在家里或在校外。如:  ① My sonis at school now. He is not at home or somewhere else. 我儿子现在在学校,他不在家,也不在别的地方。  ② When mybrother was at school, he studied very hard. 在学校时,我兄弟学习很用功。  Ⅱ. inschool “在求学、在上学”相对于有工作。如:  Mydaughter still in school She doesn’t work。我女儿还在上学,她不在工作。  [注]:①和②用at school 强调所在场所或时间。③中的in school 则强调主语的身份是学生。因此,in school. 和at school的着重点不一样,通常不互换使用。  Ⅲ. In a /the school “在学校”,不一定指上学。类似的还有:  inhospital “生病住院”  in a / thehospital表“在医院”(工作或探视病人等)  at table “在吃饭”  at a / thetable “在桌边”(有可能在聊天或看报)  ① Is yourfriend in school? 你的朋友在上学吗?  ① Yourfriend looked for you in the school just now. 刚才你的朋友在学校里找你。  ② Childrenare often in hospital when they are young. 孩子们小的时候经常生病住院。  ③ She is agood doctor in the hospital .她是医院里的一名好大夫。  at thebeginning/at the beginning of  Ⅰ. at thebeginning 和 in the beginning都可表“起初、开始、原先”之意。两者间没有明显的区别,通常可互换。如:  ① You’ll find it difficult to learn Russian at the beginning. 起初,你会觉得俄语很难。  ② In thebeginning I didn’t know this.开始我不知道这事。  Ⅱ. 若表当今世界的开头,则必须用in the beginning eg:  In thebeginning there were no men nor animals nor plants. 在盘古开天辟地时,既没有人,也没有 动植物。  Ⅲ. at thebeginning of “在……之初”, 其后通常 接表时间,事件或其它意义的名词,其反义词组为at theend of. 如:  ① At thebeginning of 1975 he came back to China. 1975年初,他回到了中国。。  ② Thisadverb can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence.这副词也可以放在句子的开头。  更多知识点可关注北京新东方中学全科教育的词汇速记精讲住宿班课程,结合五大精选记忆方法,语境记忆法、音形一致法、联想记忆法、词源记忆法、词根词缀法提升学员单词学习兴趣。
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