开心 发表于 2020-12-4 22:11:26


  自然拼读教学,提倡让小孩子通过多唱,多练,多用,逐渐掌握英语的读音规则。以轻松与简易的方法,让孩子在歌唱中,循序渐进的认识基础发音。这也是一种帮助小孩记单词的方法,避免刚刚接触英语的孩子只能靠死记硬背来记单词,提高孩子学习英语的热情。下面整理了《小学英语自然拼读详解:LetterX》,供家长们参考。  字母是有分读音和发音的,LetterX 的读音是/eks/.  那它的发音是什么呢?  我们通过一个小故事来进行学习。  In themorning, baby fox and her mother are doing morningexercises. After doing morning exercises, they aregoing to have breakfast. Fox’s mother prepares achocolate cake. But she puts it into the box. There are six boxes on the table.“Can you guess the right box?”her mother asks. Smart fox guesses the right box quickly. Her mother asks,“Why do you get the right box quickly?” “Because the cake you made is very fragrant.”Baby fox answers.  LetterX 的发音就是/ks/。  Let‘s chant:  X X X ksks ks X X X ks ks ks  狐狸 狐狸foxfox、fox、fox  运动 运动  exercisesexercises、exercises、exercises  箱子 箱子boxbox、box、box  六个 六个sixsix、six、six  Let’s sing:  If youknow the sound of letter X ks ks  fox、fox、fox  If youknow the sound of letter X ks ks  exercises、exercises、exercises  If youknow the sound of letter X ks ks box、box、box  If youknow the sound of letter X ks ks six、six、six  Letter X 的读音是/eks/,发音是/ks/,同学们,记住了吗?  更多知识点可关注下北京新东方小学全科教育的小学英语课程。
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