仙子之梦 发表于 2021-2-8 20:43:43


  下面与大家分享下托福写作如何运用“横向展开”说理论证  Do youagree or disagree with the following statement?  Primaryschool is considering that they may spend more time on teaching young students(aged between 5 and 11) technology, such as computers, than on teaching music and art.  举例说明  以下为主体部分的一个分论点段落为例:  The yearsbetween the ages of 5 and 11 is the critical period when people’s characters form. 【“横向展开”时,第一句话不是段落的中心句,而是“卖关子”的开始。】They either become charismatic individuals,who have good aesthetics and proper manners and can give an artistic touch oneverything they do, or become boring people, whose thought is mechanically programmed. 【第二句话,顺沿第一句话的中心信息(people’s characters form),但是依然不把话说破。】At this point, isn’tit clear that young minds are cultivated when music and other forms of art arelearned and they may be stiffened when they are occupied bythe codes? 【到了第三句话,一下子命中要害。】 For example, xxxxxxxxxx. 【然后正常举例诠释上面的道理,举例过程可以和大家日常习惯的局里方式无异。】  托福独立写作题目:Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement?  Taking alot time to make decisions was a bad quality for people to have, but now, is a good quality for people tohave.  举例说明  以下为主体部分的一个分论点段落为例:  【我们再试一次“横向展开”:】Often, poor decisions have a number oflimitations in common. 【第一句说不好的决定肯定有问题,又是“卖关子”的开始:】When the decision-making is broken down, we see nostep-by-step calculation, no swings or hesitation, and obviously no discussions with others.【第二句具体说说做出不好的决定的过程中缺失的东西。】 Instead, there are impulses, underestimation of the implications and plenty of blind spots.【第三句说说这个过程中有哪些问题。】At this point, isn’tit apparent that all of these deficiencies are time-related? In other words, if the decision-maker couldtake some time, the decision would not be bad. 【到了第四句话,一下子命中要害。】For example, xxxxxxxxxx. 【然后正常举例诠释上面的道理,举例过程可以和大家日常习惯的局里方式无异。】  结论  “横向展开”:即行文时,不要用中心句一句话把段落大意总结出来后再细化,而是用一步一步推导的方式最后得到(主体部分中分论点的)结论。  更多知识点欢迎大家关注北京新东方的托福单项提升班课程,相信可以帮助到大家。
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查看完整版本: 托福写作如何说理论证?