仙子之梦 发表于 2021-3-13 22:00:18


  托福阅读高难度题型训练方法  针对考察文章结构的高难度题型进行特训:比如  作者目的题的做题方法找这句话在文章当中之前的句子和之后的句子,本质是以论据的形式出现为了支持他的观点。  例题:  It wouldappear that the instability of the climatic conditions led populations that hadoriginally been nomadic to settle down and develop a sedentary style of life, which led in turn to population growth and to the need to increasethe amount of food available. Farming originated in these conditions. Later on, it became very difficult to change because of the significantexpansion of these populations. It could be argued,however, that these conditions are not sufficient toexplain the origins of agriculture. Earth had experienced previous periods ofclimatic change, and yet agriculture had not beendeveloped.  Why doesthe author state that “Earth had experienced previousperiods of climatic change, and yet agriculture had notbeen developed.”?  A. Tosuggest that climate change had occurred long before the development ofagriculture  B. Toargue that climate change does not properly explain why agriculture developed  C. Tochallenge the assumption that agriculture developed only in some parts of theword  D. Toquestion the claim that climate change occurred at the time when agriculturedeveloped  解析:  根据问题中“earthhad experienced …agriculture had not been developed”定位到原文,在文中往前找一个句子。很快选出题目答案B.  文章结构题是一种新题型,做题方法是关注逻辑连接词,其本质是文章核心观点以及其相应的支持论点及论据。  事实信息题为什么会再次出现呢?只是考普通细节吗?其本质是主要出题电器盒文章重点内容。因此到第三阶段我们应该反思,他为什么出这个题,这个题对我来说有什么作用。更多的托福阅读技巧建议报班学习一下,北京新东方的托福系列课程就很不错。
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