仙子之梦 发表于 2021-4-30 00:09:49


  下面与大家分享下托福写作模版—好的结尾  托福写作结尾一:重申立场+反方观点的弱点  例如:托福写作题目:Whenpeople go on a trip, some like to go with a friendwhile others like to go alone. Which do you prefer?  我方立场: Iwould rather to travel with a friend.  托福独立写作结尾:Taking all of the factors above into account, beingaccompanied by some close friends tends to be a better option when it comes tohaving a trip. This even makes more sense if one is fully aware of the possibledangers of travelling on one's own, that is, being helpless when emergencies occur and having no one to sharethe excitement.  解析:这个结尾采用了重申立场+反方观点的弱点。“考虑到以上所列出的论点,我们可得知当说到旅游时有人陪伴是一个更好的选择。这点更说得通,如果一个人清楚地明白独自旅行潜藏的坏处,即遇到紧急情况的无助感以及无人分享旅途的兴奋感。“语言上的主语替换尤为灵活,I would rather to trav  托福写作结尾二: 重申立场+反问句  例如:托福写作题目:Somepeople like to live in a small town, while others liketo live in a large city. If you had a choice, wherewould you like to live?  我方立场:Iwould like to live in a big city.  托福独立写作结尾:Although a growing number of serenity-seekers regard the smallercommunity as their dream homeland, I still opt for themetropolis for its convenience and dynamic life. When it comes to living, how can one possibly deny that the purpose of life is to explorenew things that small towns fail to offer?  解析:这个结尾采用了重申立场+反问句的写法,很大气。“尽管越来越多寻找宁静的都市人把小城市视作自己的梦想家园,但我仍然觉得大城市更胜一筹。当谈到生活,谁能否认生活的目的不就是探索新的东西吗?而这一切都是小城市无法给与的。“ 反问句写的是反方立场的弱点,这其实在内容和Plan B是相同的,只不过用的反问句来加强语气。  托福写作结尾三:重申立场+补充  例如:托福写作题目:There are people who learn about life by listening to their friends' orfamilies' advice. On the other hand, there are thosethat learn from personal experience. Which one do you prefer?  我方立场:It isbetter to learn from personal experience.  托福独立写作结尾:Ina nutshell, it is quite common for us to seek advicefrom our buddies or family when faced with life dilemma, but in most cases, more benefits can beavailable if we pick up some lessons by our own experience. After all, it is our action rather than other people's words that determinewhat kind of people we want to be. (62 words)  解析:这个结尾采用的是Plan A,重申立场使用了比较法,这也是托福结尾最常用的一种方法,因为大多数写作题目都涉及两者对比。“总而言之,当面临生活困境时人们往往会向朋友和家人求助,但在大多数情况下,如果我们自己尝试一些事情,往往会学到更多的经验。“语言转换上,使用了换主语和换词的方法,我方立场It is better to learn from personal experience,主语是It, 但在结尾换成了benefits, 整个句子即变成了more benefits can be available if we pick up some lessons by our ownexperience.结尾第二句话,补充了我方立场的合理性,进行了升华。”毕竟,决定我们将来成为什么样的人的关键点并非是他人的言语而是我们自己的行为。  el with afriend.转换为了Being accompanied by some close friendstends to be a better option when it comes to having a trip.  更多托福写作知识点欢迎关注下北京新东方的托福单项提升班课程,相信可以帮助到大家~
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