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发表于 2013-11-22 01:53:23 | 显示全部楼层

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4、  这个单子还可以一直列下去,但残次品就在所难免,所以通过这篇文章来回答大家的问题。

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What is truly laughable, 'bill oldman', is that you sound exactly like a LibDem 'sock puppet'. Fact: I was largely correct before. Unison is not simply a Labour Party affiliate. It operates a 'Labour Link' political fund, mainly a legacy from its NUPE days. The more widelysubscribed 'General Political Fund' is politically nonaffiliated, and contributes to Unison's general nonparty political lobbying. That is a carryover from its Nalgo days. Unison and its officials have little right to try and strongarm their candidates into MP positions over the democratic will of ordinary Labour Party members.
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