l Patients infected during unsafe endoscopy practices at Las Vegas clinics
l Investigators traced nine cases to clinics owned by doctor Dipak Desai
l A further 105 also had disease, but not conclusively linked to his units
l Jury found Nevada's largest health management group liable for damages
l Three victims - Bonnie and Carl Brunson, and Helen Meyer - win $24m
l Their lawyer is now pursuing $1billion punitive damages against firm
Three victims of what is believed to be the largest outbreak of hepatitis C in U.S. history have been awarded $24million (£15m) in compensation.
A jury in Nevada found the state's largest health management organisation liable for damages after patients were infected during treatment at Las Vegas clinics.
The outbreak became public in early 2008 when the Southern Nevada Health District in the city notified more than 50,000 patients to get tested for blood-borne diseases including AIDS.
Health investigators later traced hepatitis C infections of nine people to procedures conducted in 2007 at endoscopy clinics owned by doctor Dipak Desai.
Relief: Hepatitis C victim Bonnie Brunson embraces her lawyer Robert Eglet as her husband Carl (left) looks on after the couple won $15million in damages from Nevada's largest health management company 2013-4-7 15:55 上传 下载附件 (52.45 KB)
Joy: Mrs Brunson (centre) hugs friend Robyn Sedillos as her husband Carl Brunson (right) and fellow plaintiff Helen Meyer (left) at the end of the six-week civil trial in Clark County District Court 2013托福阅读,2013托福,托福材料,托福练习,托福资料