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发表于 2013-10-30 18:00:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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West Bend Journal (Newspaper)   April 8, 1954,maillot de foot manchester united, West Bend, Iowa and THE WEST OF VOLUME WEST THURSDAY 1954 Melvin Bonnstetter Dies In Auto 3 Melvin son of and Michael Bonn met his death in an auto accident in last He was serving with the Navy at the time of his Funeral services were held this Thursday morning at Peter and Pauls Church with burial in the West Bend Funeral Home had charge of SENIORS TAKE INTERESTING TRIP An interesting trip was talc en last Friday and Saturday by 28 High super vised by and Ted Reith and and The iparty went to Minneapolis leaving early Fri day morning and returning They stayed at the Andrews Hotel in Min neapolis Friday night while in the city tihey visited radio the of Nursing Schools and other places of interest to the stud On Saturday afternoon the group enjoyed the Ice Fol which they report as be ing very entertaining and Chauffeur for the which was made in one the new was whose wife also accompanied WITH THE MEN IN SERVICE and Nevius Cuplin at a birthday fare well dinner on Monday even ng son Gilbert of the who left Tuesday April 3 for Long Beach Byron Boos called April 4th ronr Jacksonville to wish lis mother a happy birthday as was for Mon day Charles Schafer 2Stfti 6th 1st Pit Leonard Private Charles son of and Louie West recently completed basic ng here with a unit of the 6th Since entering tHie he weeks basic raining in the fundamentals of Army life and the use of in weapons and an addi weeks engineer Tin training Pvt Sohafer Was taught he use of pioneer andi power construction of fixed and bridges and related additional At of tlie training with the famed Super men completing raining here are selected eith er to attend specialist schools oras replacements for other HOLY WEEK The following children will toe confirmed on Palm April at 10 in Peace Lutheran Church Twyla Jer Donna Paul Lowell and Jerry Attir ed in white confirmation robes they will take their place be fore the altar with Mm Tim othy Klein playing the Proces Besides the Jesus Lead Thou On which the will the childrens choir will also render the anthem Living for Pastor Greene will conduct the rite of confirmation and he will on the theme Building for On Maundy April the classi will take first communion together the entire con The pastor will speak on the theme Com Means Special services will Ibe held on Good Friday at with the pastor using the last of tlhe Midweek Lenten series entitled The Death Of Victor Meyer will sing The Old Rugged Ruth Greene at the Or BAKE SALE The Presbyterian Womens Society will holdi a baked goods sale at the Meat Market on April 10th Go To Church Sunday PRAYER OF THE WEEK O we come to the sea son af the year when spring time stirs once again in ou as well as in the grea world of nature aill us Teach us to realize that immor is more than just a man from the Make us to know Resurrection is in each heart as it believes Mike Heiderscheid Seriously III Mike was tak n to Mercy hospital in Fort Dodge Saturday Suffering rom a heart He vas immediately placed under oxygen and at last report was h quite a serious NEWS On Thursday March 1954 some FFA boys went to Clear Lake to takle part in the sub district Gerald Fehr taking part in the public speaking contest was awarded a gold Don Tabor and Roy Thompson were awarded a gold emblem in the program of work mentary procedure team won a silver The boys who won gold awards went on to the district contest which was held at Story Satur There won a Roy and Don re a silver and John won a gold award in dairy The scrapbook and the Ibook won a siliver award and the trea surers book won a gold Tlie State Convention is on April 23rd and 24th some of the FFA hoys will go to It will be held at The FFA and the two 4Hs are planning a Junior Live stock Show for this summer to take place in West We have transplanted our tomato plants into so they will be ready to plant by the time you want to plant them in your Gerald Fehr has applied for State Farmer degree and his brother Eldon has applied for American Farmer We are now starting to think and plan our summer We have decided as yet where we will At our next meeting we will elect new FORMER WEST BEND PASTOR PASSES AWAY Howard Ivens born November 1864 in Toms New passed to his re ward March at the age of years and 4 After graduating from Pen Seminary in Philadel phia he served the Epworth Methodist church he was the Minnesota from 1888 to to On June he was tin ted in marriage to Bertha Walter of To gether they served charges in Minnesota Northwest Iowa until To this union were one son and six Walter Hazel Johnson of Santa Monica Cal Miller of Johnson of who pre him in Of and Brownlee of Mallard Surviving are his wife ind six children a Frances Younig of Philadel Pa 16 grandchildren and 14 great Pharo was pastor of the irst Methodist church in West Bend Since his and Pharo made their ronie in Des Moines and were of First Metho list He was fearless lad the of his convic and many souls were won for Christ his Mike Schmidt Passes Away April 5 Mike passed way at home last Monday ve as the result of a heart at Services were this Thursday afternoon at the Apostolic Christian Church vith interment in the Church Funeral Home were n charge of nory at Des of well done Thy glorious warfares The the vic ory And tihou are crowned at last GOOD WILL TRUCK HERE The Good Will track will arrive in West Bend on day April Anyone having articles to give contact Elmer Ferden this LEONARDS ENTERTAIN Monday and entertain ed tihe following at a 6 oclock dinner at the Franklin Hotel Misses Barbara Carol Miller and Rose Ester and Eldon and Matilda Dauben Eliza Kiene and Reith and and Daubendiek of Iowa later In the evening showed pictures of South America which were taken last winter when the Daubendieks visited THANK YOU in the eternal values I wish to all my relatives and bors for all the lovely cards and gifts that were sent to me during my stay in the Luther an hospital at Fort I HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mertz was honored on her birthday on Wednesday March 31 when the following neighbors came for after noon Mesdames Elmer Lar Elizabeth Dee Ferguson andi Ben Metzger Jurgens and Emil Metz Refreshments Including the birthday cake served THANK YOU of Thy sincerely appreciated Ludwig Reinen I wish to my sincere appreciation to all those who visited me in the hospital and while I was at the home of m put wald of Also manj thanks for the cards letters and Rifts I Elfrieda TORES TO CLOSE GOOD APRIL Stores in West Bend will be from to n April 16th would attend the special hurch services on that West Bend Commercial Club NOTICE The regular meeting of the merican Legion Auxiliary vill meet Monday 12th at the Legion are urged to at Initiation will Ibe OPERATORS 1NTERTAINED On Wednesday nd Rohert and Leonard entertained for he operators of thle West Iowa ephone FRANK SPRONG PASSES AWAY Frank Sprong of Livermore passed away at his home Tues day evening at Funeral services will ibe held Friday afternoon at at he Lindhart Chapel at Hum Burial at Union at SPONSORED POPPY POSTER CONTEST As a forerunner of Memorial the American Legion Auxiliary each year sponsors a Poppy poster contest for school children 5 to 10 Tlie West Bend Aux liary Unit have the 9 by students in grades G 7 of Peter and Pauls parochial school and one submitted iby a 6th school The latter poster was disqualified of its in accurate though the childs efforts are reatly Follow ng are the results of the con test Class 1st Joyce Mon ag Grade 6 2nd Mar ene Thilges Grade Class 1st Sharon 7 2nd Ann Grade Class Honorable Bernadine Jeanette Eleanor and Gary Class Judy The 1st and 2nd prize win ling posters in both will now ibe sent to the County to Ibe entered in competition with posters from the other Auxiliary Those anne enjoyed during the even tig was guessing the initials of ormer Many names were mentioned from he time of the Moore Sisters Nellie Phillips down to the and from A to It seemed good to be once again at the telephone office and Daubendiek low she work as an op rator many years ago in De Now the switch 3oard here stands disconnect ed from the community it sew ed so and instinctively all from it to the booki and soon re were Gifts ivere presented by Dau to Delores Jean Sim mons in Miss Mab e and Miss Lucille guests ent were Douglas and Kenneth There was a bit of hesitancy o as possibly it was the last in the old telephone its many memories of FATHER OF KELVIN PASSES necessary more care splay pur All of the posters sub mitted were exceptionally beautiful and well with outstanding and the judges found it difficult to se ect the The West Bend Auxiliary here in express their thanks and ap preciation for the cooperation of tlie schools and to the stud ents for their worthwhile Judges for the local contest were Rolland Klepper and Mrs Ed HAROLD OLSON FATHER PASSED AWAY NUMBER 11 Writes for Aid for Blind Children in Home at Yokohama 1 am writing in regards to a project that the 96th of which I am a has un We have taken over sponsorship of the Yokohama Christian School for the and our only means of ing tlie necessary clothing and recreational facilities for these children is thru donations from the people The men of this organization donate the money for repairs on the but any contributions will The more do nations we the children the school can At the present the three most urgently needed are phono graph records and knitting The clothing need not be or of any particular The staff of the school will utilize everything to the andi repair and cut to size the too hig The phonograph records are the childrens only and they will listen to music by the Strange as it may they do a wonderful jolb of and make sweaters and stockings any wool they can This not only helps cloth but instills much needed self cou They realize even tho they are not completely The Bible is very much in evidence in their small library in and is used a them can speak a Books are Ibut I realize how hand it would be to get them in In closing I wish to say Hello to all my friends in West and Ill see you in a few In the meantime I hope you will see fit to Help these children help themselves Life for any child in Japan is hard hut and without its almost impossible without outside Any donations you may have send to care of the 96th MRU and your postage will be xor take them to my 70 of Emmets jung father of Kelvin Henely rf this place passed away at ills home on Monday March He had been in failing health the past few Funeral services for Henely were held Thursday Henely lived near for a number of years and is well known He is survived by his wife and 9 of Lee of otf Des Francis of Kelvin of West Wilma of Gerald of of Emmetsburg and Mike of Des Welty of Kansas father of Harold Olson of passed away of a attack Saturday evening at his and Olson left for Kansas City Sunday andi she Avill forward them to this in advance for any help you can I remain Sincerely John Bell REBEKAH CONTENTION EDWARD GRIMM the Rebekah convention at Graettinger from West Bend on Tuesday were Mesdames Horace Russell Vern Chris and Vern Nelson and and Roy Edward was injured in a car accident Sunday near tlie Harvey Edward was alone at the and it is the car hit loose gravel throwing him from tlie which was badly He was hospitalized at Ann Hospital in THANK YOU TO PRESENT SACRED CONC ERT HERE The Concordia College Choral Club of present a sacred will concert at all my Peace Lutheran West who so Bend the Elmer I want to and relatives kindly remembered me with on Good Fri letters and gifts during day April 16th at the time I was confined to my The home with a broken which is making a four Gene Bonnstetter state is under the dir and Ted Bonnstetter eetion of Haroldi The group will sing selec tions appropriate to the Pas sion and Easter Rohert BOH of and Greene and Ed gar son of and Timothy are students from West Bend attending the high school division of Con cordia
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