第二种情况:纵向说明。只要指出不同单位之间的比较,描述如何增减,增减幅度如何,反映出什么问 题,就可以了。
1)The rise lasted for two weeks and then began to level off in June.
2)The trend/increase slowed down in May.
3)The trend of increasing working hours began to gain momentum in January. (开始走强)
4)Prices went up by 50%, but the number of smokers maintained.
5)It picked up speed at the end of this year.
常用英语单词快速记忆法词汇及表达法:increase,decrease,rise,fall,slow down,level off,pick up speed,maintain,drop,the trend reverses,decline,gain/lose momentum, a steady/ substantial(实质性的)increase,a minor/slight/dramat ic drop。